About Me

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Elk River, MN, United States
I have been running for about 20 years and have completed more than 60 marathons (including one in each state) and ultramarathons. In 2011, I ran across MN to raise money for cancer. Now, in 2021, at age 52, I'm going to run and bike across MN to raise money for disabled veterans.

Blog Archive

Monday, June 6, 2011

WCCO Story

Miles ran today: 0 (really, did you think I would??)
Fundraising: $3159 of 5000!

Here's the link to the WCCO story.  I'm really happy with it!  I sure heard a lot of people who saw it, and I heard they ran it again this morning and on the radio as well.  Super thanks to CBS/WCCO for helping promote American Cancer Society!
Minn. Woman Runs Across State For Charity

1.  What are you going to do next?  I'm going to Disney World!  Just kidding, I don't have a next escapade planned....yet.  I'd like to get marathons in 2 more states this year and I'm planning to do some pacing for Anderson Race Management.

2.  Are you going to cross the state south to north now?  Border to Border Race has been on my radar for some time...but no, I won't do the same thing I just did in a different direction.

3.  Did you really eat all that stuff while running?  NO!  That's what I consumed in a day.  With the exception of the omelette day, there was about 3 hours between lunch and the next run.

4.  Do I know how lucky I am?  YES!  To be able to run 22 miles every day, to have the friends and family supporting me, and to get so much attention for American Cancer Society.  Yes, I'm very blessed.

Still contemplating lessons learned...for tomorrow...


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